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About AliPay

9billion registered user based payment

Alipay is a mobile and online payment platform provided by Alibaba Group which is the world’s largest and most valuable company.
Alipay is China’s top mobile payment app with more than 100 million MAU. We provide Alipay services for Chinese or Chinese who enjoy purchasing in Korean online shopping malls in mainland China.

About AliPay Payment

AliPay is a financial and payment platform under Alibaba that leads the world Pin Tech flow.
It can be used both online and offline, and offers billing optimization services based on huge amount of user data and self-promotional channels.
By using QR code, payment is completed, easy to use and more secure.

How to Process AliPay

  Offline (In-Store) payment


Select Alipay

Generating QR code

QR code

Let the merchant

Scan the QR code

Payment complete


Mobile receipt

Push message via Smartphone

  Online (PC/App) payment

PC/Mobile order page

Checkout Page

Select AliPay

Select among the other payment method


Confirm the order and proceed the payment

Enter password

Enter pay password

Payment complete

Receive the receipt via Smartphone